Menu and Toolbar Autodesk Inventor
As with other programs, Autodesk Inventor have the same field of work items, namely the Menu Bar, Inventor Standard Toolbar, Panel Bar and Browser Bar.
Field of Work is a draw.
The menu bar contains all the commands contained in Autodesk Inventor 2012
Inventor Standard toolbar contains commands used during the drawing process.
Panel bar contains specific commands to support the process that is being berangsung. For example, we create an image with a template "Sheet Metal.ipt" then the Panel Bar will automatically pop up a special command for Sheet Metal.
Browser Bar Contain the working steps. For example, we create objects with the Extrude and Revolve, all will be listed in the Browser Bar to enable us to re-edit.
Autodesk Inventor 2012 NavigasiPada navigation systems are tools that help mobility while drawing on the work field. We can meet Reviews These tools such as zoom, rotate, pan, and the other on the Inventor Standard toolbar.
Ø Please
Its function is to enlarge the image on the display field of work. Click the zoom and click on the field work and slide the cursor to the top to the bottom. Then, click on to get the desired look. We can use the zoom when other tools are active.
Ø Pan
Its function is to move the view field of work. Click on the pan and then click on the work area. Subsequently, move the cursor to the desired place.
Ø View Face
Its function is to zoom in with the reference face. Face only applicable to flat surfaces. Click the view face, then click on the face that we choose it will be enlarged.
Ø Free Orbit
Its function is to rotate the object in the field of employment. Click on the free orbit, then click on the work area. Next, rotate the object to Obtain the desired look.
Ø View Cube
Fungisnya to rotate the object based on the direction that has been determined as the fornt, top, left, and others. Click on the view cube to display the navigation system in the upper right corner. To choose a direction, simply click on one sis view cube.
Ø Full Navigation Wheel
Its function is to do a combination of navigation commands such as zoom, orbit, pan, and others. Click on the full navigation wheel so that it will exit the menu and pilihlan one command that will be used.
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