Pengertian Dan Kegunaan Autodesk Inventor


Definition And Uses Autodesk Inventor

Autodesk Inventor is a program designed specifically for the purposes of technical fields such as product design, machine design, mold design, design, construction, or other engineering purposes. Autodesk program Inventoradalah parametric feature-based solid modeling, which means that all objects and relationships can be modified again despite antargeometri finished geometry, without the need to start over from the beginning. It is very easy for us when it is in the process of design of a product or design. To create a 3D solid models or surface, we have to make a sketch of his first or import images from Autodesk Autocad 2D. After the image or the 3D model so we can make it work using the facilities drawing pictures.

Autodesk Inventor is also able to provide simulation of the movement of products that we design and has the tools to analyze strengths. These tools are quite easy to use and can help us to reduce errors in making the design. Thus, in addition to the cost we should spend will be reduced, time to market of the things we design can be accelerated because we've simulate the first things that we design on the computer prior to entry into the production process.
In autodesk inventor there is a choice that we want to use the template. Each template has the usability and functionality matches the job we want.
Here is a description of each template , namely:

1.       Sheet Metal.ipt

Creating a new work area for part or component-type metal like objects made of iron plate bent-buckling.

2.       Standard.dwg

Creating a new work area for working drawings.

3.       Standard.iam

Creating a new work area for image assembly consisting of several parts or components.

4.       Standard.idw
Creating a new work area for work or 2D drawings.

5.     Standard.ipn

Creating a new field of work for the animated sequence of assembly of the assembly image that has been assembled. We can use it to create an image Explode View.

6.       Standard.ipt

Creating a new work area for part or component in general without special specifications such as in the manufacture of parts in Sheet Metal.

7.       Weldment.iam

Creating a new work area for assembly that has the tools to welding techniques.

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